Use the toolbar to select which node and universe to view All 512 channel values are shown here

Output viewer

Select View > Output viewer on the main toolbar to open this window:

Use the Controller, Protocol and Universe pull-downs to select the Controller and DMX universe that you wish to view. What you will see depends on the status of your patch and the simulator:

Unpatched universe

If the universe is not patched then all values will be zero (0) regardless of the simulator's status.

Patched, simulator not running (reset)

If the universe is patched and the simulator is not running then you will see the default values for the fixtures. These are the values that the Controller will output after a reset or power cycle and prior to a timeline running, see Precedent.

Patched, simulator running (playing or paused)

If the universe is patched and the simulator is running then you will see the values that the Controller will generate when it runs this timeline. Designer uses exactly the same playback algorithms as the Controller so what you see with the DMX viewer is what you'll get with the Controller.

Output Live

If you have connected Controllers then you will be able to select Output Live in the simulator to have Designer generate the DMX values directly, the Controllers acting purely as a DMX driver. In this case what you see in the DMX viewer is exactly what is being output to the fixtures in realtime.

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